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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

Arly Kruse Educational Foundation (AKEF) is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in its organizational culture and outreach.

Valuing and including all

AKEF believes that all of its employees, board members, donors, community partners connected with educators, families and students should feel respected, included and valued, regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, or other identity. 


Empowering Educators/Tutors

AKEF engages with partners and educators to ensure students have access to the resources they need. 


Promoting diverse representation

AKEF seeks to diversify its leadership, board and staff through equitable partnering, hiring, evaluation, and promotional practices. 


Prioritize and practice equity

AKEF recognizes that opportunities in education are not equal across racial and socioeconomic norms. AKEF practices equity by prioritizing partnerships and funding for programs and investments that serve learners from low-income and historically marginalized backgrounds. AKEF holds itself accountable through consistent expectations related to communication, transparency, and feedback. 


Celebrating diversity

AKEF celebrates the richness of its community and acknowledges the diversity within it. It acknowledges that providing resources and funding does not address underlying systemic inequities. AKEF values and seeks equity and justice. 

Arly Kruse Educational Foundation’s mission aims to enhance the education of children from diverse backgrounds through academic support and tutoring free of cost.

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