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Image by Sam Balye

Current Programs

Swipe to  more about our work with Centarus High School,  Louisville Middle School, Centennial Middle School, Eldorado PK8, and BVSD Elementary School

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These services will be offered to students selected based on assessment data, and Paraeducators will be trained to target the specific needs of each student using the learning platforms and curriculum provided. 


The intent of the these programs is to focus both on short-term literacy gaps stemming from pandemic school closures last spring and also longer-term literacy gaps that have been growing and widening since before the closures. The goal is to narrow the gaps and bring the students minimally up to grade level in literacy. This opportunity will also provide engagement between adults and students beyond the classroom, whereby students currently performing below grade level will have more eyes on them and more qualified individuals focusing their efforts to meet the students’
academic needs. 

Image by CDC

Past Programs

Swipe to  more about our work with Boulder Valley School District, Alicia Sanchez Elementary School, and Escuela Bilingue Pioneer Elementary


Angela Lauridsen,

BVSD Lifelong Learning Program Administrator

The Arly Kruse Educational Foundation has been a huge lifeline to 140 students to date struggling to learn virtually and keep up in the classroom.

Renée Williams,

Director, Boulder Valley Community Schools

The free tutoring services could not have come at a better time. We have a waitlist of over 100 students! The Arly Kruse Educational Foundation is doing wonderful work for our students. 


Kim Jensen Black,

Manager, Facility Use and Lifelong Learning Boulder Valley Community Schools

The tutoring classes you are financing are needed more than ever. What a gift you have provided during this unprecedented time. Thank you.

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